Arrive Hotel Confessional

2019 / Wilmington, NC

Photos © Will Page

The great folks with Arrive Hotels commissioned this permanent installation in their lush Wilmington, NC location. The property, an enclave of bungalows situated next to a church, originally served as a dormitory for nuns.  The only space open to the public was a small confessional, tucked away in a small room under a stairway. Using their room key, hotel guests can access this very intimate space, set to feel like a mix of church and boudoir, where they are met with a large mirror that asks them to share a secret, in return for another. A custom computer and monitor mounted behind the mirror stores and spits out random secrets entered from previous visitors. Once a year, the hotel gathers all secrets, prints them in a simple zine and offers them to guests as a lil reminder of their time in Wilmington.


Casting Relationships


Fire EMT Installations