Casting Relationships
2018 / Austin, TX
Photos © Josh Hailey
In conjunction with local architecture firm Thoughtbarn, we worked with the City of Austin’s Art in Public Places Department to produce this wonderful piece of sculpture commemorating a new Fire/EMS Station in South Austin, TX. Our goal was to create a piece that would both celebrate the crucial work carried out by Fire and EMS, as well as make use of some interesting materials cast off by the departments. We also worked with next door Regan High School students to brainstorm some ideas for the project. We decided to use some retired 5″ diameter fireman’s hose as a molding material in which pigmented concrete was cast. Before the concrete set, we twisted, bent, and shaped them by hand to yield the dynamic, gestural columns in the final work. We decided to make 49 columns, as the newly constructed station is #49!